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Caring Skills

Persons with dementia will gradually diminish ability to communicate. They may have more difficulty expressing thoughts and emotions and have more trouble understanding others. The person may not able to find the right words − particularly the names of objects, may substitute an incorrect word, or may not find any word at all.
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Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)
Carers of the persons with dementia find behavioral symptoms to be the most challenging and distressing effects of the disease. It is important for the carers to recognize the symptoms, understand the cause and know the treatment options.
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Persons with dementia may lose their ability to recognize familiar places and faces. It is common for the person to wander and become lost; many do repeatedly. Many people cannot even remember their name or address.
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Trouble with Sleep
Sleeping problems experienced by individuals with Alzheimer's and caregiver exhaustion are two of the most common reasons people with Alzheimer's are eventually placed in nursing homes. Some studies indicate that as many as 20 percent of persons with Alzheimer's will, at some point, experience periods of.
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Dental Care
As dementia is a progressive condition (meaning it gets worse over time) it is important to establish a dental care programme at, or soon after, a diagnosis.
Eating and Drinking
Eating and drinking well is important for staying healthy. A healthy diet is likely to improve a person's quality of life. Not eating enough can lead to weight loss and other problems including fatigue, higher risk of infection and less muscle strength.
People with dementia can experience difficulties with using the toilet. Accidents and incontinence can also cause problems, particularly as their condition progresses. This can be upsetting for the person and for those around them. However, incontinence is not an inevitable consequence of dementia and support is available. This can be a sensitive topic for many people, but talking about it can help to deal with the problem.
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