Day Centres

By using non-pharmacological therapies as well as different structured and suitable training, clients' existing function will be maintained and further cognitive deterioration will also be delayed. In addition, our day care service also relieves both the physically and mentally stress of family caregivers.
A variety of non-medical interventions and 6 Arts® activities organized by registered Occupational Therapists and social workers, comprising reality orientation, reminiscence, memory training, multi-sensory stimulation, arithmetic games, ADL/IADL training, physical exercise etc. Interest class, alternate therapies such as music therapy and aromatherapy etc. are also held regularly for enhancing the mood and cognitive functioning of people living with dementia.
Target group
Individuals who are diagnosed with early or middle stage of dementia
Individuals with no contagious disease and being cared by family members at home
Please contact us if transportation service is needed.
For family with financial difficulty, please apply Day Centre Charity Quota.
HKADA is the recognized service provider of “Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly”, launched by Social Welfare Department. Please download the below documents for details.
<Brain Health Centre> <Jean Wei Centre> <Gene Hwa Lee Centre> <TKO Integrated Service Centre>
Service hour
Monday to Saturday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Closed on Sunday & Public Holiday
(Please read the Personal Data Privacy Policy of Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association carefully BEFORE you download the form.)
Please contact us at 2338 1120 or complete the application form ( PDF ) .